Kim Kierans

Inglis Professor

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Kim Kierans Kim Kierans

BA (Vind), MA (Saint Mary's University)

Kim Kierans, BA’82DCL’23, is a Senior Fellow and resident at Massey College, University of Toronto where she conducts communication workshops for graduate students and produces The JCR: A Massey Podcast, a platform for graduate students to share their research, and projects through interviews and commentary. Her book Journalism for the Public Good: The Michener Awards at 50 was published in May 2024 by Bighorn Books, University of Calgary Press.

She came to King’s in 1997 after 30 years of journalism, working as a reporter, news editor, associate producer and presenter at CBC and newspapers. Over her 24 years at King’s she taught broadcast, research, media law and ethics and other courses in the Bachelor of Journalism and BJ Honours programs and the Master of Journalism. She served as King’s vice-president (2010-2017) and director of the School of Journalism (2003-2010).

She was visiting professor in the Communication Department at the Asian Center for Journalism at Ateneo de Manila University for 15 years where she developed online and blended courses in the MJ and diploma programs, and trained internationally. Her audio documentaries have been broadcast on CBC Ideas, The Current and Maritime Magazine. Along with writing for various publications, she co-published Asia Media Innovators II (2010) and co-edited The New Journalist (2010).

She has an honours degree in classics from King’s/Dalhousie and a MA in Atlantic Canada Studies from St. Mary’s University. Her research interests include community media, concentration of media ownership and the pedagogy of online learning.

She’s currently a second-year student in the MFA Non-Fiction program at King’s where she’s working on a memoir.


Photo Credit: Kelly Clark