Laura Holtebrinck

Laura Holtebrinck

Alumni Association Representative

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Laura Holtebrinck Laura Holtebrinck

BA(Hons) (Vind)

Laura, BA(Hons)’13, is the Communications Manager at Music Publishers Canada and the Canadian Private Copying Collective, and lives in Toronto. Her journey at King’s was not linear. She originally came there to study Journalism, switched to Contemporary Studies, and later added Sociology and Film Studies to that. As if that didn’t keep her busy enough, she was also a Stage Manager in the KTS several times, a three-time Frosh Leader, worked on patrol for three years, on the A&A front desk for a year, co-founded the King’s Trivia Society (aka “the other KTS”) and co-wrote an Infringement Festival play. Though not always easy or perfect, Laura cherishes her time at King’s immensely, from the challenging readings (of which she definitely read 100% of) and most especially to the friends and community she found at King’s, which have continued long past her undergraduate days. Her advice to current and future King’s students is: “Don’t be intimidated and trust yourself!”