Thomas H. Curran

Thomas Curran

Inglis Professor

Thomas Curran Thomas Curran

BA (Tor), MA (Dal), MTS (AST), PhD (Durham)

Dr Thomas Curran is an Inglis Professor and serves as Clerk of Convocation.

His chief research interest has always been early 19th-Century German philosophy, with a particular emphasis on Hegel’s lectures on the philosophy of religion at the University of Berlin. More recently, his emphasis has shifted to questions of “intertextuality” in Dante’s Divine Comedy — that is, how Dante uses (and transforms) his great precursors (Aristotle, Vergil, St Thomas Aquinas) both to shape his epic poem and to give it a distinctive structure.

Tom is always interested in exploring how modern popular culture and practices can be informed (and reformulated) by reference to the great philosophical and literary tradition that we have inherited from the ancient Greeks.

His latest project is Fake or Facsimile, found at recherché.com.

Selected Publications

  • Doctrine and Speculation in Schleiermacher’s Glaubenslehre. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1994. pp. 390.
  • “Goethe’s Werther as a Reader’s Companion” in Reform and Renewal in Contemporary Christianity, edited by Susan Harris. Charlottetown: St. Peter Publications, 2007. pp. 101-117.
  • “Three Sons of Abraham: Boccaccio, Lessing, Schleiermacher” in Multiculturalism and Religious Freedom, edited by Susan Harris. Charlottetown: St Peter Publications, 2005. pp. 135-152.
  • “Stupor Mundi: Xerxes, Charlemagne, Frederick II” in Iconography: The Use of Art in Christian Worship,edited by Susan Harris.  Charlottetown: St Peter Publications, 2004. pp. 89-102.
  • “Modernism and T.S. Eliot: the fragments and sordid particulars” in Providence: The Will of God in Human Affairs, edited by Susan Harris.  Charlottetown: St Peter Publications, 2004. pp. 95-107.
  • “Hegel on World History after Socrates: Necessary, Providential, Rational” in Platonismus im Idealismus: Die platonische Tradition in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie, edited by Burkhard Mojsisch & Orrin F. Summerell. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur Verlag, 2003. pp. 247-261.
  • “religio et elegantia” in Denken und Geschichte: Festschrift für Friedrich Gaede edited by H.-G. Schwarz & J.V. Curran.  Munich: iudicium Verlag, 2002. pp. 273-281.
  • “Eros and Logos in Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice” inDionysius, Vol xix, December 2001. pp. 187-200.
  • “The Priesthood of all Believers” in “Take Thou Authority…”: The Theology of the Ordained Ministry,edited by Susan Harris. Charlottetown: St. Peter Publications, 2000. pp. 57-64.
  • “Turning our Backs on the Past” in Modern Believing,Volume 39.4 (“Post-Modernity”), October, 1998. pp. 48-52.
  • “Hans-Georg Gadamer” in A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, edited by Daniel Woolf.  New York & London: Garland, 1998. Volume i, p. 345.
  • “A Priesthood of Speculation” in The Person and Mission of Jesus Christ, edited by Susan Harris. Charlottetown: St Peter Publications, 1998. pp. 112-130.
  • “Speech Day Classic” (Hegel’s Prize Day Speeches) in ad familiares (London), Volume vii, Autumn, 1994. pp. 2-3.
  • “Friedrich Schleiermacher: True Interpreter” in The Interpretation of Belief: Coleridge, Schleiermacher and Romanticism, edited by David Jasper.  London: Macmillan, 1986. pp. 97-103.
  • “Schleiermacher wider die Spekulation” inSchleiermacher-Archiv, Volume I/2, Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1985. pp. 997-1001.