William Barker

William Barker

Inglis Professor

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William Barker William Barker

AB (Dartmouth), MA, BEd, PhD (Toronto)

Research Topics: Early Modern literature, Textual studies, Folklore

Selected Publications

  • Editions of the Adages of Erasmus (Toronto, 2001) and Richard Mulcaster’s Positions Concerning the Training up of Children (Toronto, 1994)
  • (with Jean Chadwick [now Guthrie]) “Richard Mulcaster’s Preface to Cato Christianus (1600): Text, Translation, and Commentary”Humanistica Lovaniensia: A Journal of Neo-Latin Studies 42 (1993) 323-67.
  • Research editor,The Spenser Encyclopedia (Toronto, 1990).
  • There are as well various articles for the Dictionary of Literary Biography (vol 167, 1996; vol. 236, 2001), Oxford Companion to the English Language (1992); Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; (2004); “School Libraries (c. 1540-1640),” Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland, vol. 1 to 1640, ed. Elisabeth Leedham-Green and Teresa Webber (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 435-47
  • “Implied Ethics in the Adagia of Erasmus: An Index of Felicitas,” Reformation and Renaissance / Renaissance et Réforme 30.1 (2006): 87-102
  • “Three Steps towards a History of the Book in Newfoundland.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 48.1 (2010): 21-48.

Current Research

Gabriel Harvey’s English pamphlets and Harvey’s marginalia, with Walter Colman; prolegomenous material for the Adages of Erasmus, in the Collected Works of Erasmus, vol. 30, with John Grant; preliminary work towards a study of the fairy tale tradition in English.

Former President – 2003 -2011