Academic Programs
Certificate in Art History & Visual Culture

Certificate in Art History & Visual Culture

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Advance your visual literacy

This certificate is open to currently registered Dalhousie and King’s students in all Faculties.

The Certificate in Art History and Visual Culture is designed for students in the arts, social sciences and sciences who are interested in advancing their visual literacy. This certificate program provides students with solid training in visual analysis and art history methodologies, research, and communication.

University of King's College

A Certificate in Art History and Visual Culture would obviously be beneficial to students considering graduate studies or careers in Art History, Museum Studies, Museum Education, Arts Administration, Conservation, Cultural Studies, and related fields. However, the importance of developing visual literacy is also being recognized much more broadly in today’s digital, image-based world.

View the certificate brochure [PDF]

King’s courses

This certificate is a 12-credit-hour certificate with several categories of requirements. These King’s courses count towards this certificate:


  • CTMP 2316.03 The “Pictorial Turn” in Recent Thought, Art and Theory
  • CTMP 2340.03 Theories of the Avant-Garde
  • EMSP 2215.03 Violence and Wonder: Baroque Art
  • EMSP 2230.03 Picture and Poetry in Early Modern Culture
  • EMSP 2415: The Art of Global Encounters in the Early Modern Period
  • EMSP 2510.06 Early Modern Art, Literature, and Politics in Florence, Italy [Summer Study Abroad]
  • EMSP 3270.03/ HSTC 3270.03 Leonardo da Vinci: Between Art and Science
  • EMSP 3280.03 Love, lust, and desire in Italian Renaissance Art (Cross-listed GWST 3280.03)
  • EMSP 3290.03 The Renaissance Print and Cross-Cultural Exchange
  • EMSP 3350.03/ HSTC 3350 Art, Optics, and Technologies of Illusion
  • EMSP 4500.06 Aesthetic Theory Honours Seminar
  • HSTC 4120.03 Artefacts: The Material Culture of Science and Technology

Learning outcomes

Students will cultivate visual literacy—the ability to interpret works of art and other forms of visual media both as formal structures and in relation to social, political, and cultural contexts—and develop a working knowledge of the vocabulary of art history and criticism. Students will learn effectively to use objects as primary sources and to articulate the relevance of art as both evidence of, and stimulus for, historical, social, political, and intellectual movements. Students will develop the ability to communicate their knowledge of visual culture both orally and in writing by learning how to synthesize a wide range of primary and secondary sources.

Consult Dalhousie's website for the full certificate requirements

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