Academic Programs
Certificate in Intercultural Communication

Certificate in Intercultural Communication

Boil Water Advisory (Update): Halifax Water has continued the Boil Water Advisory due to a potential risk of unsafe drinking water.

The Certificate in Intercultural Communication is open to students from any Faculty at Dalhousie and King’s, and welcomes both Canadian and International students.

It includes experiential learning via a work/study abroad requirement, courses in foreign or second languages, and theoretical and practical understanding of issues in intercultural communication.

University of King's College

The certificate is designed to offer a globally-minded student the opportunity to combine academic and experiential learning in order to understand and communicate more effectively with people from cultures different from their own.

King’s courses

This certificate has several categories of requirements. Among them, these King’s courses count towards this certificate.

  • CTMP 2336.03 / CHIN 2052.03: East Meets West in Popular Culture
  • CTMP 2102.03 / CHIN 2082.03 / EMSP 2390.03 / HSTC 2811.03: Asia & the West: Centuries of Dialogue
  • EMSP 2450.03: The East is Read: Early Modern Conceptions of Asian Thought

Consult Dalhousie's website for the full certificate requirements

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