Podcasting Workshop Registration

Welcome to the registration page for the How to Make a Podcast Workshop

There is a maximum of 20 spaces in the workshop.

All fields below are fillable. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please reach out to Pauline Dakin at the School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing at pauline.dakin@ukings.ca.


Podcasting Workshop Registration

  • Two-day Workshop Fee

    $349 + $48.86 (HST) = $397.86

    We are only able to accept payment by credit card at this time. We are unable to accept VISA Debit.
  • 3-digit number on the back of your card

Registration fees

All workshop fees are due upon registration.

Signed cheques, made payable to the University of King’s College, must be received by the Department Administrator by May 1, 2025 in order to secure a place in the workshop.

You may to drop off a cheque to the front desk in the A & A Building, or mail it to:

University of King’s College,
Writing and Publishing
Attn: Marcella Firmini
6350 Coburg Rd.
Halifax, NS B3H 2A1

Canceling your registration

To cancel your workshop registration, contact us at adminj@ukings.ca.

We will provide a full refund of registration fees if you withdraw before the first workshop session.

After the first session, cancellation is pro-rated according to when you withdraw, up to 50% of the course’s completion.

Cancellation by the School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing Department

Insufficient enrollment:

Should a workshop be canceled as a result of low enrollment, registrants will be notified immediately. Registration fees are not charged until the workshop reaches minimum enrolment. The final decision of whether the workshop is running will be made by May 5, 2025.