Non-Credit Programs
King’s Writing Workshops

King’s Writing Workshops

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Making your writing dreams
a reality!

King’s offers six new writing workshops this October and November

Whether you’re working on a novel, a memoir, or journalistic piece, or are just developing your writing skills, the King’s Writing Workshops can help you become the author you want to be. Our non-credit 4- and 8-week workshops are open to everyone, whether you’re still at the idea phase or already have words down on the page!

Four-week workshops – $299+HST/$249+HST Early Bird

Marketing Your Book

Researching Your Book

Eight-week workshops – $549+HST/$499+HST (Early Bird)

The Art of the Essay

Creating Compelling Scenes

Finish Your Novel

Professional Writing


Members of the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia as well as King’s students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni get $50 off the price of each workshop!

King’s has a limited number of bursaries available for students requiring financial assistance. Details coming soon.


Watch this page for registration, coming in July.


Fall 2024 Workshops

Marketing your book

details coming soon

Researching your book

details coming soon

The Art of the Essay

details coming soon

Creating Compelling Scenes

details coming soon

Finish Your Novel

details coming soon

Professional Writing

details coming soon