
Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

King’s is taking steps to identify and remove barriers to access on campus. This work ranges from critical infrastructure, to policies, to programs, practices and the delivery of services.

The Student Accessibility Centre works collaboratively with King’s students, faculty and staff to create an inclusive educational environment. They facilitate access to courses, services and activities, identify classroom/exam accommodations to reduce barriers to learning and they advocate on behalf of, and alongside, students to ensure accommodations are implemented. They also support students with assistive technology requests and can assist with accessing funding for students with disabilities.

Have questions? Need advice or assistance? Contact King’s Accessibility Officer, Michelle Mahoney

To Register for Accommodations, follow these 5 steps

Step 1:

Complete and submit a request for accommodation through the Centre’s Accommodate software [log-in required with your NetID]. Types of accommodations available.

Step 2:

Submit your supporting documentation for review through the Centre’s Accommodate software [log-in required with your NetID].

Step 3:

Book an appointment with an advisor to discuss your request. Appointments are conducted in-person or virtually and are mandatory. You will need your NetID to book an appointment.

Step 4:

Once approved, your advisor will confirm your accommodation(s) and notify you, your instructors and others if required.

Step 5:

If you require accommodation for a quiz, test or exam, you must submit a request to secure invigilation services. Whether you require accommodations for any or all of your quizzes, tests and exams, each must be scheduled separately.

All steps are required in order to implement accommodations. The Student Accessibility contact is or 902-494-2836

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up accessibility accommodations for my FYP classes?

The Foundation Year Program Associate Director of Student Support

Tim Clarke is FYP’s Associate Director of Student Support.

Students in the Foundation Year Program should contact FYP’s Associate Director of Student Support to request extensions on essays, accommodations for exams and to approve excused absences from tutorial. The Associate Director of Student Support is also available to discuss challenges that arise for FYP students over the course of the year and to help students develop plans to respond to difficulties.

For upper-year students requesting academic accommodations and for all students requesting accommodation in the case of long-term illness,  please contact the Student Accessibility Centre, (located on Dalhousie’s campus). The Accessibility Centre will then inform the instructors for each of the student’s classes, about their particular academic needs.

Student Accessibility Centre

Killam Library Atrium
Room G28 (before you get to Second Cup!)
6225 University Avenue

Which King's buildings have elevators?

The Arts & Administration Building and Prince Hall have an elevator to all floors except the 4th floor, Angels’ Roost residence.

The New Academic Building has an elevator to all floors. The Library has an elevator to all floors.

Renovations to be completed by fall 2022 will service all floors of Alexandra Hall except the 4th floor.

Below is a map showing the barrier-reduced campus route.


Is King's campus wheelchair accessible?

King’s is working to improve wheelchair accessibility on campus.

The Arts & Administration Building, Prince Hall, the New Academic Building and the Library can be accessed by people using wheelchairs. A portion of the student residence Alexandra Hall will be wheelchair accessible as of fall 2022.


How does King’s work with students with mobility issues?

Students with mobility issues requiring additional consideration are invited to contact the Office of the Registrar, or Residence to learn about available options.

How does King’s accommodate students requiring extra learning supports?

The Student Accessibility Centre works collaboratively with King’s students, faculty, and staff to create an inclusive educational environment. They are responsible for facilitating access to courses, services and activities, identifying classroom/exam accommodations to reduce barriers to learning and advocating on behalf of and alongside students to ensure accommodations are implemented. They also support students with assistive technology requests and can assist with accessing funding for students with disabilities.  

Student Accessibility Centre

Killam Library Atrium
Room G28 (before you get to Second Cup!)
6225 University Avenue
Phone: 902-494-2836
Fax: 902-494-6797

How does King's factor accessibility into its employment and hiring practices?

King’s is committed to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. We encourage and welcome applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons with a disability, racialized persons, including persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), women, persons of a minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversification of our community.

King’s pledges to offer an accessible hiring process and to be responsive to the accessibility requirements of all employees.

Map of a barrier-reduced route

King’s Accessibility Survey

King's Accessibility Survey

The University of King's College is seeking your help in making the campus more accessible. Please share your experience and solutions. We thank you for your input and help!


Set up accessibility accommodations

Student Accessibility Centre

For more information

Michelle Mahoney

Accessibility Officer, President's Office |