Thursday, January 23, 2025
UPDATE: (9:19 a.m.) Halifax Water has lifted the boil water advisory. Signage will be removed from water fountains and washrooms on campus over the morning. Thank you for your patience. For more details: Halifax Water Update
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Halifax Water has continued the boil water advisory for today. Update at 3:57 p.m. Please see details below.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Halifax Water has issued a boil water advisory.
This advisory means that everyone on campus should boil water for at least 1 minute before using it for drinking, preparing infant formula, making ice cubes or juices, washing fruits or vegetables, cooking, brushing teeth, or any other activity requiring human consumption.
This advisory will remain in effect until further notice from Halifax Water. For the duration we will install signs in washrooms and disable the water fountains.
We do not have boiled or bottled water available for everyone on campus. Please consider how you will obtain your own drinkable water either by boiling it at home, boiling it yourself on campus, or bringing bottled water.
Please reach out to Facilities Management if you have any questions or concerns.
Halifax Water has a boil water advisory fact sheet.