The Bursar’s Office is responsible for the college’s financial services including management of the endowment fund and all accounting; student accounts; accounts payable; faculty, staff and student payroll; and administration of employee benefits (group insurance, health and dental insurance and pension). The Bursar also oversees Human Resources, Facilities Management, Conference Services and Ancillary Services.
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
A&A Building, Second Floor
University of King’s College
6350 Coburg Road
Halifax, NS, B3H 2A1
Phone: 902.422.1271 ext 281
Fax: 902.446.6229
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
A&A Building, Second Floor
University of King’s College
6350 Coburg Road
Halifax, NS, B3H 2A1
Phone: 902.422.1271 ext 116
Fax: 902.446.6229