King's campus closing at 1 p.m.: Due to anticipated weather conditions, King's and Dalhousie are closing at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13. Click here for more information.
Students with a RESP must contact their financial investment institution, at least one month before the start of one’s academic school year, to find out what is required to receive those funds. (It is normally one of three options: confirmation of enrolment, an invoice, or a financial investment institution specific form).
Students are expected to pay their student account in full for all monies not covered by their RESP and must do so by the tuition and fee due date to avoid university late fees and interest charges.
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with their financial investment institution at the start of each academic school year.
Students who are fully funded by an external funding partner or sponsor, are required to have the external organization complete the University of King’s College Third Party Billing Information Form and ensure that it is received by the Student Accounts Office on or before the term tuition and fee due date.
Students are expected to pay their student account in full for all monies not covered externally and must do so by the tuition and fee due date to avoid university late fees and interest charges.
A new form is required at the beginning of each academic school year.
Students who are receiving an external award(s) (a scholarship or bursary not from the University of King’s College) should provide the External Organization Award Checklist Form to the external organization so it can be sent with the cheque(s). Students are encouraged to fill in their name and student ID number on the form before they send it to the external organization. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all external award cheques arrive on or before the tuition and fee due date if they wish to use it as payment towards their student account.
External funding comes from an organization or association outside of King’s. Please note King’s does not endorse any particular website or service, the listings below are for your information only.