
As soon as you celebrate Encaenia, you become part of a tradition with over two centuries of history; you become a life long member of the far reaching alumni community.

To acknowledge this membership, King’s provides the following:

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex

Take advantage of your member benefits

As a trusted partner, the TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Program is dedicated to helping University of King’s College alumni get access to preferred insurance rates on car, home, condo and tenant coverage. For more information or to get a quote visit or call 1-866-293-9730.

Alumni Card

All alumni are entitled to receive the King’s Alumni Card, which allows you to maintain access to two important pillars of your student life, the King’s Library and the HMCS King’s Wardroom. King’s alumni are also entitled to discounted personal and family memberships at the Dalplex.

If you’re a new graduate, you should receive your alumni card in the mail. To request a new alumni card, update your information.

Ask an Alum

Through our Ask an Alum program, recent alumni, and current or prospective King’s students can connect with graduates to learn about career development and the real-life experience of entering the workforce. We will connect you with an alum who can provide information, advice and next steps to assist you, whether you’re applying to graduate school, moving to a new city or starting your own business.

Request a transcript

You can request a transcript by following the instructions provided by Academic Services.

Employment for Recent Alumni

The Employment for Recent Alumni lists opportunities available to recent King’s graduates. The opportunities listed come from King’s alumni as business owners or organization leaders, on behalf of their employer, or by one of King’s partner organizations.

Candice MacDonald

Interim Alumni Relations Manager, Advancement Office
