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2017 Encaenia
2016/17 University Medal and Degree Recipients

2016/17 University Medal and Degree Recipients

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

King’s is proud of all of the university’s graduates and the excellence of their achievements. Below is a summary of the degrees and university medals awarded in Fall 2016 and at Encaenia in Spring 2017. Visit the 2017 Encaenia page for more highlights from the 2017 celebrations of our graduates.


  • 243 undergraduate and graduate:  234 Spring, 9 Fall 2016
  • 175 first time graduates,
    of whom 166 did four year degrees, of which 99 were honours,
    of which 43 achieved first class honours


University medals:  12

Contemporary Studies, History of Science and Technology (2), Early Modern Studies, Political Science, European Studies, Religious Studies, Theatre, Gender and Women’s Studies, International Development Studies, History, Spanish


Bachelor of Arts: 98

  • 9 15-credit
  • 58 Major, of which 2 were with Distinction
  • 28 Honours, of which 18 were First Class Honours
  • 1 Honours Conversion; 2 Major Conversion


Bachelor of Arts,
Combined Honours in Contemporary Studies: 24

of which 12 were with First Class Honours

Bachelor of Arts,
Combined Honours in Early Modern Studies: 2

of which 2 were with First Class Honours

Bachelor of Arts,
Combined Honours in History of Science and Technology: 6

of which 2 were with First Class Honours

Bachelor of Music: 3

Bachelor of Science: 12

  • 9 Major, of which 2 were with Distinction
  • 3 Honours, of which 1 was with First Class Honours

Bachelor of Science,
Combined Honours in Contemporary Studies: 3

of which 2 were First Class Honours

Bachelor of Science,
Combined Honours in Early Modern Studies: 2

of which 2 were First Class Honours

Bachelor of Science,
Combined Honours in History of Science Technology: 1

First Class Honours

Bachelor of Journalism (Honours): 30

10 with Combined Honours and 3 with First Class Honours

Bachelor of Journalism: 32

1 with Distinction

Master of Journalism: 9

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction: 21