Indigenous Circle


Mawaknutma’tnej (Circle) – Let’s come together and deliberate with each other.

Maw – is a pre verb meaning with or together, the root verb is agnutg meaning he/she, negm talks/deliberates, the verb ending nej signifies an inclusive plural ending (i.e. let us).

Formed in 2023, the circle, guides King’s on how to best support Indigenous students, faculty and staff and to become a university that is truly welcoming to Mi’kmaw and Indigenous Peoples.

It is comprised of Mi’kmaw community leaders and university representatives from faculty to staff, to students.

The circle helps King’s to engage Mi’kmaw and Indigenous Peoples at King’s with cultural competency and to offer them safety.

Included in this work is the implementation of the Calls to Action [PDF] of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Calls to Justice in Reclaiming Power and Place [PDF], the final report of the inquiry into the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).

Mawaknutma’tnej advises King’s on its responsibility to advance the cause of Indigeneity: in its community, including as a member of Universities Canada; and its collaboration with Dalhousie and Mount Saint Vincent Universities; as well as the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre and the recommendations and guidance of the Director, Mi’kmaw and Indigenous Post-Secondary Recruitment and Retention, of the Department of Advanced Education.


Circle Members

  • Natteal Battiste, Councillor, Acadia First Nation
  • Elder Eileen Brooks, Sipekne’katik First Nation
  • Kathryn R. Burton, BA’98, DCL’23, Member, King’s Board of Governors
  • Tim Clarke, Assistant Professor, King’s
  • Sarah Clift, Vice-President, King’s
  • Ethan Hunt, King’s student
  • Sheila Isaac, Director Mi’kmaq and Indigenous Post-Secondary Recruitment and Retention, Department of Labour and Advanced Education
  • Buffy Keillo, Director of Education, Native Council of Nova Scotia
  • William Lahey, King’s President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Catherine Martin, Member, King’s Board of Governors, Millbrook First Nation and Director of Indigenous Community Engagement, Dalhousie University
  • Melody Martin-Googoo, Millbrook First Nation, Director of Partnerships & Community Relations, Mi’kmaw Services Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
  • Katie Merwin, BA(Hons)’11, Dean of Students, King’s (parental leave)
  • Emma Metallic, BA(Hons)’21, King’s
  • George Paul, Communications Officer, Eskasoni Band
  • (Vacant), Education and Social Officer, Glooscap First Nation
  • Emily Pictou-Roberts, BA(Hons)’20, Indigenous Support and Outreach Coordinator, King’s
  • Trina Roache, BJ’00, Assistant Professor, King’s
  • Pethrona Russell, Interim Equity Officer, King’s
  • Catherine St-Jean, King’s student
  • Ann Sylliboy, Post Secondary Consultant, Membertou, Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey
  • Kutay Ulkuer, Chief Enrolment and Student Life Officer, King’s
  • Ian Wagschal, Director of Facilities Management, King’s
  • Yolana Wassersug, BA(Hons)’08, Assistant Registrar, Student Recruitment, King’s
  • Jeff Wilson, Interim Dean of Students, King’s



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