Request Items for Reserve

Faculty teaching a course at King’s can place course readings on reserve for shorter loan periods. These items will be kept behind the Circulation Desk, are only accessible by asking Circulation Staff and cannot otherwise be placed on hold or requested on an individual level. Placing these items on Course Reserve guarantees that the item can only be borrowed by King’s Students.

Please note the following:

  • Reserve requests for books that are in the Library should be submitted two weeks prior to the beginning of the class.
  • Reserve requests for books that will need to be ordered for the Library must be submitted eight weeks prior to the beginning of the class.
  • A minimum of two business days is required for processing any items added to an existing list during the course of the term.
  • Items that need to be obtained from other Novanet Libraries require an additional five business days for processing.
  • Articles may be placed on reserve for a course. For copyright purposes, these copies must not exceed 10% of a published work.

Please see the Library’s page on Course Reserves for full details.


Request Items for Course Reserve

  • TitleAuthor/EditorCall Number or ISBN 
    You can add more materials by clicking on the plus symbol to the right. If you need to add any details, please use the notes field below.