Generally, single residence rooms are available for upper-year students wishing to live on campus at King’s for the 2025-26 academic year. Most upper-year students end up in single rooms in the recently renovated North Pole Bay or in singles elsewhere on campus. Upper-year students wishing to have a roommate must indicate this on their application. Waitlisted upper-year students may be assigned a roommate if the only remaining spaces are double rooms. Priority for waitlisted applicants will be given to those of an equity-deserving group as indicated on the residence application, international students and then earliest applicants.
We have a limited number of spaces for upper-year students on campus due to our first-year residence guarantee. Please get your application in as soon as possible and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions: For those that have been waitlisted or are otherwise interested in off-campus housing, please check-out our Off-Campus Housing pages. | 902 422-1271 ask for residence