Groups & Societies

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Something for everyone

University life isn’t just about books. King’s has a diverse selection of clubs, societies and organizations for you to join and enjoy.

Groups & Societies


Halifax’s only campus-community radio station, CKDU has been serving the community since 1985.
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Contemporary Studies Society

Represents the Contemporary Studies Program, encouraging students to engage with their professors, ideas, and peers through both colloquia and social events.
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Dalhousie Dance Society

The Dalhousie Dance Society, or DalDance is a student run society that provides high quality, recreational dance practices for dancers of every skill level. DalDance practices are a revitalizing respite for university students from their often hectic and stressful lives. The society’s objectives are to provide quality dance choreography that is convenient, accessible, and inexpensive for Dalhousie University students, faculty, staff, University of King’s College students and Dalplex members, as well as to provide a meeting place for people with an interest in dance. You do not need any previous experience in dance to attend DalDance practices, only an interest in dance.
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Dalhousie / King’s Vaudeville Fashion Design Show Society

Vaudeville is the Dalhousie and King’s College student-run fashion design show featuring original student-produced garments.It is more than your typical runway show; it is a showcase of fresh and innovative design thinking that aims to challenge ideas of fashion as being purely a commercial industry or as always adhering to conventional norms of beauty. The proceeds from Vaudeville help support a local charity initiative.
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Day Students’ Society

The DSS’s purpose is to support day students (that is, students that live off campus) and help them integrate life on campus in the most engaging way possible, by helping them overcome every day problems and organizing events for them.
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Early Modern Studies Society

The Early Modern Studies Society is designed to foster and provide an academic and social environment for students interested in the Early Modern period. It also seeks to plan and put on for students of UKC and Dal, as well as the general public, social events, lecture series, and the Conference of the Early Modern. The EMSS will also publish the academic publication Babel at the end of the academic year (or the beginning).
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UKing’s Literary Society (formerly The Haliburton Society)

UKing’s Literary Society, founded by the University of King’s College in 1884, is the oldest extant English campus literary society in the British Commonwealth. Since its inception, the group has welcomed literary enthusiasts to celebrate great works of poetry and prose through readings and discussions led by students, faculty members, and Canadian authors and poets. The Society has become an integral part of the King’s culture and community, and is a forum for thoughtful and inquiring minds to come together in appreciation of great literature of all kinds. A new initiative––the Live Poets! reading series––was introduced in 2019, and aims to bring a diverse range of voices to campus while underscoring the vitality of our literary culture today.
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History of Science and Technology Society (HSTCsoc)

HOSTSOC is the student run academic society for the History of Science and Technology program. They host movie screenings, a student convention on the history of science, and publish an undergraduate journal every year.
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King’s Chorus

A welcoming community of veteran and beginner choristers who meet weekly to rehearse in preparation for a concert each semester.
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King’s Dance Collective

No matter what your level of dance experience, you’re welcome to join our Dance Collective. We run regular dance workshops on campus, including hip hop, Bollywood, African and swing, typically held in the Aerobic Training Centre in the King’s gym. Made up of nearly 50 students, the King’s Dance Collective also performs. Its lively productions have been held within the King’s Theatrical Society season, during the Infringement Festival and have popped up at Big Night. The King’s Dance Collective (KDC) aims to provide a non-competitive and creative outlet for students interested in all aspects of dance and choreography.
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King’s Outdoor and Sustainability Society

We organize off-campus outdoor excursions and on-campus workshops and training sessions to promote sustainability.
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King’s P.R.I.D.E. Society

We are the People Recognizing Individual Diversity and Equality (or P.R.I.D.E.) Society and we aim to provide a positive and supportive environment for people of all sexualities and gender identities while fighting for LGBT+ equality through activism and advocacy.
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King’s Theatrical Society

The King’s Theatrical Society (KTS) is a student-run theatrical organization. Each year, based on what is pitched by students, the KTS put up commercial plays, musicals, original student written works and experimental pieces.
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King’s Wordsmiths

Authors, artists, poets, wordsmiths. We are the King’s creative writing society, hosts of weekly writing and workshopping meetings and publishers of Kings’ creative writing journal, The Octopus. Bring us your verse, your prose… anything goes.
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Le Salon

We are an open, inclusive space for students of all french levels to come and practice their conversational french while eating lots of cheese.
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Loaded Ladle

The Loaded Ladle is a non-profit, open cooperative of students and community members, dedicated to serving fresh, homemade, free, or low-cost meals on campus. We aim to challenge mainstream, corporate notions of food service. Free meals are at 1pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the academic school year. We also run programming throughout the year such as Radish Reads, a book club focussed on social justice, and Iron Ladle, a cooking competition held ever spring.
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The Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group (NSPIRG) is a student-levied society with the KSU and DSU. Our goals are to link research to action, and campus with community, using an anti-oppressive foundation to promote social and environmental justice. We are a resource centre for campus and community, using our resources to provide: education, awareness, funding, options for publishing student and community work, an alternative orientation week series and our Community-University research Exchange program. For more information or ways to get involved, email us at, or visit us at, or on facebook! We are also available in our office in the basement of the Dal SUB, room 24.
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SNARC* (Students Advocating for Representative Curricula) is a King’s College Society that promotes the representation, study, and discussion of marginalized voices in curricula and academic spaces. *the ‘N’ is taken from ‘StudeNts’. It doesn’t stand for anything. Sorry.
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We’re a King’s and Dal debate society. Our debaters compete at tournaments across Canada, the Northeastern US, and internationally.
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The South House

The South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre is a feminist, sex-positive, trans-positive, inclusive resource centre and referral service. We exist for the education and empowerment of all genders who are marginalized and oppressed by this culture.
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Unconscious Collective Vocal Ensemble

The Unconscious Collective is a student-run a cappella society based at King’s. We explore a wide range of music using only our voices! We encourage experimentation, creativity and collaboration within the choir and workshops and open mics for the greater King’s community.
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The Watch

The Watch is the only news publication on campus that is funded, written, and produced by students. For almost 30 years the magazine has been keeping the student body up to date on events both on and off campus, and covering the major stories regarding students and faculty here at King’s.
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World University Service of Canada: King’s Chapter

The purpose of the society is to facilitate and raise awareness for the initiatives and projects that WUSC headquarters has developed at the King’s campus. These programs are all focussed on decreasing inequality on a global level by bringing education opportunities to those who would not have been able to access them otherwise. WUSC aims to fundraise for such programs and raise awareness for global issues on campus. The society primarily focusses on running the Student Refugee Program, where we sponsor a student from overseas to attend King’s.
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Want to start your own society? Get in touch:

Kaitlyn MacNeill

Student Life Vice-President, King's Students' Union |

Mondays 12pm - 3pm
Wednesdays 12pm - 2pm

“King’s has so many opportunities for extracurricular activities in which to get involved. And the more I got involved and the more work and experience I got the more I wanted and the more I figured out what I wanted to do afterwards.”

Davis Carr
Davis Carr

Communications Assistant, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), Contemporary Studies and English, 2012