Campus Safety

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

At King’s we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming learning environment on campus. Here are some resources related to campus safety.

School Closures

Occasionally, King’s will need to close due to inclement weather or for other reasons. If this occurs, we will broadcast this information as widely as possible:

  • An alert will appear on
  • Messages will be sent out on Facebook and Twitter. We encourage you to share/retweet this information.
  • A community email will be sent out.

School closure policies

  • If Dalhousie’s Studley campus is closed due to weather, King’s will also close.
  • If an exam was to be held on the day of a school closure, it will be rescheduled.
  • On school closure days, Prince Hall will observe weekend hours.
University of King's College


Dalhousie University offers an integrated app to King’s students that broadcasts important messages regarding campus hazards ( e.g. spill, fire, accident, etc. ), significant campus closures ( e.g. severe weather, utility outage, etc. ), or other unpredictable events that might affect large groups. It also provides security resources for the Dal/King’s community.

Download the DalSAFE app to subscribe to text alerts.

Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response

In December 2018, King’s Board of Governors approved the university’s stand-alone policy on sexualized violence. A Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Officer has been hired that will assist in the implementation of this policy. Find out about the policy and resources available to King’s students.

The Occupational Health & Safety Committee

The University of King’s College’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy, as well as the Health and Safety Program, are annually reviewed by the Occupational Health & Safety Committee, which provides recommendations for changes, when appropriate. Among other tasks, the committee also responds to health and safety concerns raised by members of the college, and recommends to the Property, Grounds and Safety Committee alterations to physical facilities or work practices, as it deems necessary or advisable.

Occupational Health & Safety