With classes being held online this fall, the academic year will look a little different for King’s students. Dalhousie and King’s have been working hard to ensure you have a great educational experience. There are lots of resources available to help you excel at learning online and enjoy the sense of community that King’s is known for.
Here are five ways you can prepare for this semester:
Like most years, the best place to start is by logging in to your DalOnline account. Here you can make sure you’re registered for all the right courses and your schedule is looking as it should. If you have any questions about your course of study, our academic advising team is here to help! Email them at registrar@ukings.ca.
Brightspace, the learning management system for students, will be populated soon with syllabi and course materials for all your registered courses. There are also some new online learning tools available to students, which you should familiarize yourself with before the start of classes.
Dalhousie has launched a new app called Dal Mobile for Dalhousie and King’s students. The app comes with a dedicated channel for the University of King’s College, so it’s a great way to connect with the King’s community. You can stay on top of your events, classes and schedule, and get notified of important dates and deadlines. You can also make friends, ask questions, and access campus resources at any time.
Download Dal Mobile for iOS or Android at dal.ca/mobile
Whether your courses have regular meeting times or are being held asynchronously, succeeding in online learning starts with identifying a space at home where you can be productive and cultivate a good work-life balance.
The Bisset Student Success Centre at Dalhousie, which is open to King’s students, has provided some tips for creating a study space.
Our COVID-19 Resource Centre has a dedicated page for Current Students. There you’ll find updates to services and links to student employment, additional funding and more. We have created additional COVID-19 bursary funding to supplement our normal bursary program and assist students with financial need who will be attending King’s in fall 2020. Make sure you’re aware of all the funding opportunities available to you.
In addition, both King’s and Dalhousie provide many academic and equity services to students, from help with essays to resources for Black and Indigenous Students.
As mentioned, the new Dal Mobile app is a good way to get connected to your peers. You can find groups based on the academic programs you’re interested in, get information about student societies and find the full schedule for King’s Orientation Week.
Following King’s on social media is a great way to find out what’s happening in our community:
Finally, you can always reach out to your professors or King’s staff with your questions. Find King’s faculty and staff in our university directory, and reach out to these accounts if you have specific questions:
Academic advising: registrar@ukings.ca
Awards and financial aid: awards@ukings.ca
Student accounts: accounts@ukings.ca
Students’ union: info@ksu.ca