Academic Services

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Resources to help you at every step of your academic journey.

The resources below will help you plan your degree, stay on track and get the support you need for success at King’s. We encourage you to reach out to the Registrar’s Office at with questions. We’re here to help you get the most out of your studies.

Academic & Student Support Services

For a comprehensive list of King’s-based student support services, please refer to the Student Support Directory.

Several special services shared between King’s and Dalhousie are available to students to help ensure that their educational experiences are both rewarding and fulfilling. Below you will find a list of Dalhousie-based services that King’s students have access to:

Student Accessibility Centre

Both King’s and Dalhousie University are committed to providing an accessible environment in which members of the community can pursue their educational goals. Ongoing efforts consistent with a reasonable and practical allocation of resources are being made to improve accessibility and provide special services.

Students who have questions or concerns about accessibility on the King’s campus, including physical access on campus, should contact the King’s Accessibility Officer Michelle Mahoney.

For further information on the King’s Equity Policy concerning individuals with disabilities, please consult the Yellow Book [PDF].

Student Accessibility Services provides support and advocacy for students with disabilities. In cooperation with faculty, staff and other student services at the university, the advisors and staff at the Student Accessibility Services office endeavour to provide appropriate support services as needed by the student. Early consultation is advised to ascertain that we can fulfill your needs.

Students with questions concerning physical access to facilities on the Dalhousie campus and accessibility for students with learning disabilities at King’s and Dalhousie can contact the office by phone: voice (902) 494-2836, TTY 902-494-7091, or by email (

Please note that due to chemical sensitivities of those who work in and frequent the Student Accessibility Services office, the environment is scent-free.

Dalhousie Bissett Student Success Centre

King’s students can visit the Dalhousie Bissett Student Success Centre to get academic advice, learn more about programs and access career advising support. Bissett also houses the Studying for Success Program, which offers study workshops, personal coaching and tutoring to enhance study skills and academic potential.

International Student Services

As an international student at King’s, you will become part of our small community while also having access to a large and diverse group of international students and a full range of international student services available through Dalhousie.

See also

Black Student Advising Centre

Please also see Black Community at King’s for more information about awards, scholarships and supports

The Black Student Advising Centre provides support to prospective and current students of Black/African descent through advocacy, academic advising and mentorship programs. They also organize events and networking opportunities to connect with other students of Black/African descent, both on-campus and in the larger community. The Centre is intended to foster a sense of support and community among these students, with other students and to increase intercultural awareness.

Advisors provide confidential services and programming for individuals and/or groups, which may include impartial observation, relevant resource materials and referral services, which may benefit students’ academic, personal and social development on- and off-campus. There is a student resource room for meeting, peer support, reading and/or studying. Information on awards, scholarships, employment, community information and upcoming events are also available at the Centre.

Kindly note that the centre is a scent/fragrance-free environment.


1321 Edward St, Halifax, NS


Telephone: (902) 494-6648


Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Indigenous Student Centre

Please visit the Indigenous Community at King’s. It has information about awards and scholarships specific to Indigenous students, as well as supports and resources to help students thrive at King’s – including Mawio’mio’kuom – the Indigenous student centre at King’s. The office of Emily Pictou-Roberts, King’s Indigenous Support & Outreach Coordinator, can also be found there.

The Indigenous Student Centre is available to all post-secondary students in Metro Halifax. The centre is dedicated to providing support and advocacy for Indigenous students by offering services such as tutoring, cultural activities, educational information sessions, networking opportunities and more.


1321 Edward Street, Halifax, NS


Telephone: (902) 494-8863


Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Racial Equity Liaison Services

The University of King’s College Racial Equity Policy serves to encourage diversity and awareness of equity issues within the faculty and student body, as well as community outreach. It provides students with information relating to diversity and equity issues, and counselling and mediation, through both the Racial Equity Committee and an External Equity Consultant. The Racial Equity Committee, itself, is also closely associated with theDalhousie Black Students Advising Centre and the Indigenous Student Centre.

The University of King’s College also has available an External Equity Consultant who is a trained mediator responsible for resolving disputes. The External Equity Consultant is available to all members of the King’s community.

Please see the University Racial Equity Policy in the Yellow Book on the policies site.

International Student Centre (Exchange and Study Abroad)

Between King’s and Dalhousie, you can take part in many study abroad opportunities. The Study Abroad and Exchange Advisor offers support for students interested in studying abroad, including university-wide exchanges, short-term programs, field courses, internships and co-ops.


LeMarchant Place, Suite 1200
1246 LeMarchant Street



Study Skills & Tutoring

The Dalhousie Tutoring Service provides tutoring to students requiring academic assistance. Requests for tutoring are given to the Studying for Success Program Coordinator, who sets an appointment for the interested student to meet a Study Skills Coach. Coaches make a detailed assessment of academic difficulties, helps develop effective approaches to studying, and may refer the student to a tutor, if needed.

Workshops and one-on-one study coaching is also available to King’s students through the Dalhousie Studying for Success program

Writing Centre

The Dalhousie Writing Centre’s goal is to help students cultivate ideas, develop strong organizational skills and heighten creativity. The centre’s tutors can assist with understanding directions for written assignments, essay writing, structuring letters of intent for graduate programs and improving writing ability in general. They are available to help students articulate, clarify and shape their ideas.

The centre offers support services to students at both Dalhousie and King’s, and appointments are free of charge; the costs of the Writing Centre are included in university tuition.

Visit the centre in the Killam Library Learning Commons G40C, phone 902-494-1963 or email at