King’s Approves Academic Amnesty Policy for Students Participating in Global Climate Strike

King's Approves Academic Amnesty Policy for Students Participating in Global Climate Strike

Dear Members of the King’s Community,

Many of you will have heard that Dalhousie’s Senate has passed a motion granting academic amnesty to students wishing to participate in the Global Climate Strike on Friday, September 27 between 10:30 and 4:00pm. King’s students enrolled in Dalhousie classes are obviously covered by the terms of that motion, which can be found in the message below.

This message is to inform the community that the Directors of the King’s School of Journalism, the Foundation Year Program (FYP), History of Science and Technology Program (HOST), Contemporary Studies Program (CSP), and Early Modern Studies Program (EMSP), in consultation with their respective faculty, have agreed that a similar policy of amnesty should apply to students in classes in the J-School and the above programs who wish to participate in the Global Climate Strike on September 27. This is to say that while classes and tutorials may take place on Friday as scheduled, students in King’s classes can choose to participate in the Strike without academic penalty for their absence, on condition that they arrange with their instructors to make up any assessments they plan to miss while attending the Climate Strike. Any such arrangements are at the discretion of course instructors.

Peter O’Brien
University of King’s College


To: The Dalhousie University community
From: Dr. Chris Moore, Acting Provost and Vice-President Academic
Date: Monday, September 23, 2019
Re: Global Climate Strike – Senate Approves Academic Amnesty on Friday, September 27, 2019

On Friday, September 27, 2019, Global Climate Strike rallies will take place around the world, to raise awareness of climate change and the need for action. Our students have requested flexibility in order to attend these rallies.

The Dalhousie University Senate has passed a motion supporting those students who wish to take part in the Global Climate Strike:


THAT all individuals involved in teaching at Dalhousie on September 27, 2019, from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm, allow students who wish to participate in the global Climate Strike to do so without academic penalty due to their absence, subject to the following:

  • Students are to inform their professors at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance (by Wednesday, September 25 at 10:30 am) if they plan on missing an assessment in order to attend the Day of Action.
  • Make up assessment(s) will be at the discretion of course instructors, subject to appropriate faculty regulations.
  • For the inclusion of students travelling from and to the Agriculture Campus, no specific time is provided.

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