Welcoming King’s Community alumni stories to live on ukings.ca

Welcoming King's Community alumni stories to live on ukings.ca

Since its launch in 2014, the King’s Community website has been home to an incredible variety of alumni profiles. Dozens of alumni have shared their stories with the wider community—recalling what brought them to King’s, the memories and life lessons they hold dear from their time on the Quad and telling us about the life they’ve made since. Shared far and wide through monthly newsletters and on social media, these stories provide welcome updates on old friends to the delight of fellow alumni and faculty, even as they inspire current and prospective students. Taken together, these profiles are a testament to the power of a liberal arts education and the rich engagement it encourages with the world.

Alumni stories are woven through the fabric of King’s. So it is with great excitement that we announce these stories are now fully integrated into ukings.ca, making it easier than ever to read about the many fascinating places where a King’s degree can take you.

A recent survey showed that King’s alumni are employed in a wide array of fields, from education, journalism, arts and culture, government and law to health, finance and information technology. Want to find out how a King’s degree translates to one of these fields? On the fully integrated King’s Community page, users can search by career or by degree to find alumni stories that make these career paths easier to understand, even if each one is unique.

Have a look through the relaunched King’s Community website and learn about the many ways King’s alumni are making their mark. These recent profiles are a great place to start.

Jennifer Bell

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Classics, 1991 – Team Lead, Small Globe, Inc.

“King’s provides a multi-input approach to learning that’s really valuable in careers like public health or epidemiology.”

Perry King

Bachelor of Journalism, 2009 – Author, Communications Officer, Journalist

“The book is about the future. It’s about what we need to do.”

Isabelle Riche

Bachelor of Music, 2020 – Composer

“I realized that music was what was missing from my life.”

John-Alec Tynan

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biology, 2004 – Family Doctor

“Later in life, you feel kind of amazed at how FYP shaped you, shaped your way of thinking.”


Read more stories

Did your time at King’s help to shape your future? We’re often looking for new alumni to profile. Contact Alumni Relations to get the conversation started.

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