Contemporary Studies
New Materialisms: Life, Science, and Politics
Michael Bennett
CTMP 4203.03 / HSTC 4203.03
Fall, 2025/2026
Scotiabank Room
MW 1305-1425
Contemporary Studies
The Thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Michael Bennett
CTMP 3192.03
Fall, 2024/25
Seminar Room
T 1605-1755
R 1605-1655
History of Science and Technology
The Darwinian Revolution
Michael Bennett
Fall, 2022/23
Classroom AA1
T 1735-2025
Contemporary Studies
History of Science and Technology
Studies in Contemporary Science and Technology: New Materialisms: Life, Politics, and Science
Michael Bennett
CTMP3411.03 AND HSTC3615.03
Fall, 2022/23
KTS Lecture Hall
T 1305-1355
R 1305-1455
History of Science and Technology
Introduction to the History of Science I: from the Ancients to the Birth of the Modern
Michael Bennett
HSTC 1201.03 / HSTC 2211.03 / SCIE 2001.03 / HIST 2075.03
Fall, 2024/25
Alumni Hall (Lectures)
MW 1435-1525 (Lecture)
W 1535-1625 (Tutorial 1, Classroom AA1)
W 1535-1625 (Tutorial 2, Seminar Room)
R 1435-1525 (Tutorial 3, Seminar Room)
R 1435-1525 (Tutorial 4, Classroom AA1)
F 1435-1525 (Tutorial 5, Classroom AA1)
Contemporary Studies
Science and Culture I: The Discourses of Modernity
Michael Bennett
CTMP 3001.03 / HSTC 3031.03
Fall, 2025/26
Archibald Room
M 1535-1725
W 1535-1625
Contemporary Studies
Science and Culture II: Resetting the Modern
Michael Bennett
CTMP 3002.03 / HSTC 3032.03
Winter, 2025/26
Archibald Room
M 1535-1725
W 1535-1625
Contemporary Studies
Bio-Politics: Human Nature in Contemporary Thought
Michael Bennett
CTMP2203.03 / HSTC2206.03
Winter, 2025/26
Classroom 1
W 1735-2025
History of Science and Technology
The Darwinian Revolution
Michael Bennett
Fall, 2021/22
Seminar 7
T 1735-2025