Chapel & Choir

Serving King’s College, Dalhousie and the wider community.

The University of King’s College Chapel is a place of quiet reflection and the hub of a lively, active community. King’s and Dalhousie students of all faiths and none go to the Chapel to explore their spirituality, hear beautiful music, talk with the chaplain, get involved in outreach programs, go on retreats and enjoy stimulating lectures.

A worship schedule and information on outreach, retreats and lectures can be found on the Chapel community website.

The King’s Chapel Choir


"The Chapel Choir is by far the most intense thing I did this year, but also the most fun and I think the most beneficial in terms of my musical progression."

Kip Johnson
Kip Johnson

Choral scholar, Bachelor of Music, 2024

University of King's College

Awards, Auditions and Academic Credit

Auditioning for a choral or organ placement is a two-step process: submission of a recording (first step), which may be followed by an invitation to an in-person audition (second step).

King’s offers Choral Awards and Organ Awards for students at King’s who sing with the Chapel Choir. Awards are made each year based on merit, as demonstrated during the student’s audition (for entering musicians) or by the student’s performance in the program (for returning musicians). Awards range in amounts from approximately $400 to $4,000 per academic year.

Please visit our undergraduate scholarships section for more information and full audition instructions.

Students studying Music may receive academic credit for participation in the King’s Chapel Choir.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to be a music student to sing in the Chapel Choir?

No. Our choristers and organists represent a broad range of majors, from Architecture to Biology to Classics.

What is the time commitment for each choir?

The Chapel Choir requires a significant time commitment, but it is manageable for the organized student. The basic schedule consists of seven hours of choir each week, Tuesday – Thursday. On top of the basic schedule there are special services, concerts, tours, recordings, and extra rehearsals. In the busiest weeks of the year (for example, Holy Week), you can expect up to 25 hours of singing in the week. The King’s Chorus rehearses just once each week for two hours, and performs two concerts each year (fall and spring).

Is it difficult to balance school work and Chapel Choir?

Most choristers and organ scholars find that they are able to manage their studies and their Chapel Choir commitment. Many pursue honours-level degrees and graduate in the top ranks of their class. Foundation Year Program students often remark on how well the Chapel Choir complements their studies in FYP.

In addition to the two choirs and the organ program, are there other music opportunities at King’s?

Yes. There is music for everyone at King’s. The Chapel community also offers the Monday Compline choir, and student-run music for Sunday morning services. In the wider university and the city, there is a plethora of vocal and instrumental ensembles ranging from experimental student groups to world-class professional ensembles.

What is the King’s Chapel like?

The King’s College Chapel is an Anglican chapel open to students and community members of all faiths and none. The Chapel is both a hive of activity, with services three to four times each day and many community events, as well as a quiet sanctuary with silent hours for those who desire solitude and rest. In addition to the worship services, the Chapel is rich with outreach programs, wilderness trips, discussion groups, and parties (such as the famous all-night Resurrection Party after the Easter Vigil), and offers myriad opportunities to be with other people in community.

Visit for photos and more information.