Scholarship amounts and bursaries to substantially increase

Scholarship amounts and bursaries to substantially increase

A message from King’s President and Vice-Chancellor William Lahey:

Improvements are underway that will make a King’s education more accessible and affordable.

Effective in the coming year, the amount students in scholarship standing receive will increase from $1,000 to $2,250, an increase of 125%. In addition, the amount that is available in the King’s budget for bursaries will be supplemented by a fund of over $400,000 to help students in financial need meet the challenges they face. Altogether, over the next four years, this represents a 13.6% overall increase in spending in the area of scholarships and bursaries and more than a 50% increase in the money available for bursaries.

In addition to ensuring more of our King’s scholarships are renewable, thanks to several  generous benefactors, next year we also have over 60 new renewable named scholarships for incoming and current students, including: two new Prince Scholarships for African Nova Scotian students ($6,000 per year); up to 14 Deane-Little Scholarships for FYP students playing varsity sports ($5,000 per year) and the new Carrie and Ralph Wright Memorial Scholarship ($12,000 for the Foundation Year Program and $9,000 each year after). The renewable Deane-Little Scholarships will also be available to upper-year varsity athletes, 14 in each year.

Finally, I want to advise that the University has substantially increased funding available for the creation of student employment at King’s, in response to feedback received from students who have participated in budget consultations over the past few years. While recognizing that part-time employment is not an ideal or a complete answer to the financial pressure students face, the University also understands it is a reality for some students and that there can be advantages to having employment at King’s. Jobs at King’s can also give students important opportunities to both contribute to their own education and the education of their fellow students, develop skills and acquire experience that can be helpful to them in gaining admission to graduate or professional school, and to the search for employment beyond King’s.



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