Angus Ross

Co-founder, Escarpment Laboratories

University students enjoy beer but not everyone parlays that interest into a career. For Angus Ross it led to the creation of Escarpment Laboratories, a unique Canadian company that supplies liquid ye...

Katherine McAuliffe

Associate Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience

As a research professor, Dr. Katherine McAuliffe, BSc’03, studies how cooperative behavior is sustained in humans, how it develops in children and how it evolves. Work in her lab—the Cooperation L...

Michael Henschel

Director of Operations, C-CORE

Michael Henschel, BSc'91 sees mathematics as a language, a language he can use to explain the world around him. "Being a mathematician I basically write poetry," Michael, says. He says it with a gr...

Katherine Connolly

Software Engineer at Neo Financial

Katherine Connolly admits that going from a liberal arts education at King’s to writing code for a brand-new digital bank is, well, an unusual path. “And it’s even weirder when you see what h...

Trevor Adams

Instructor of Meteorology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Trevor Adams is happy to talk weather. “It’s sunny right now,” he says from his Florida home, “but we have a broad low moving north of us that’s been giving us rain for the last few days....

Stefan Leslie

CEO at Research Nova Scotia

Stefan Leslie wasn’t going to wait for the big one to hit, shaking Canada’s west coast. It would be too late then. “It is likely that there will be a seismic event creating a tsunami; we just...

Tatiana Kunwongse

Writer, Editor at Wisdom Wide Ltd., Bangkok

“It’s a mouthful,” Tatiana (Tanya) Kunwongse says. “Get ready for it.” Tatiana is about to describe her job in Bangkok, Thailand. It’s a job that has taught her the difference between a...

David Herbert

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry at the University of Manitoba

Take a stroll through David Herbert’s lab in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg (wearing safety glasses, of course) and you’ll be walking through the playground ...

Amy Shira Teitel

Author, Blogger, Historian

When Amy Shira Teitel looks up at the night sky she sees not just the twinkling lights, she sees stories. “I can’t look at the moon,” Amy says, “and not think about the stories of the peopl...

Pete Pachal

Executive Editor, Operations & Strategy at CoinDesk

When Pete Pachal started the one-year Bachelor of Journalism at King’s, he was immediately struck by the school’s sense of support and community. “Everybody who was there wanted to be there. ...