UPDATE: Halifax Water has lifted the Boil Water Advisory.
The Academic Services team is here to support you throughout your whole degree at King’s. Whether you are wondering about course registration, degree requirements, program requirements, honours applications or anything else to do with King’s—we are here to help you!
The Academic Advising team is available for appointments from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You can meet with the advising team online or in-person, and appointments are in half-hour blocks. Make an advising appointment online or by emailing registrar@ukings.ca.
We typically offer walk-in appointments up until the add/drop date in the Fall and Winter term each year (generally the first two weeks of each term). Students are welcome to drop into the office for any support during these times.
We know that you want your studies to engage you fully, to bring you closer to answering important questions and to provide you with skills you can use after graduation. The question is: what program or programs will do this most effectively for you?
Visit the Academic Calendars to explore which programs are available to King’s students. See the King’s Academic Calendar for programs taught by the School of Journalism, Writing and Publishing and the King’s Upper Year Programs, or visit the Dalhousie Academic Calendar for programs taught by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and the Fountain School of Performing Arts in partnership with Dalhousie.
You can also review the What’s Next? Your Second Year at King’s hub and the Academic Timetable, both linked below, to help you make your choice on an area of study.
What’s Next? Your Second Year at King’s is a resource and information hub that will help you plan (and enjoy!) your university experience after your first year. Check out the hub for information on academic resources, student supports, finances and employment opportunities, student life and academic & career options:
Visit the What’s Next? Your Second Year at King’s web hub
To plan your courses for the upcoming semesters, visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are being offered.
At King’s, you can pursue a Major, Double Major, Concentrated Honours or Combined Honours degree. Learn about how to apply for an honours degree and the requirements for completing it.
For information about Academic Course Add/Drop Dates, please see the Important Dates page or the Academic Calendar. For details on tuition fee implications related to add and drop dates, please see the Refunds/Withdrawals section of the Payments Guide.
Course registration opens in March for returning students and June for incoming students. For in-depth registration information and video tutorials on how to register, visit the Course Selection and Registration Page.
Course Selection and Registration
See below for a brief registration refresher for current students.
Using the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)
The Degree Audit is an excellent tool to check the completion status of your degree as you register for courses and approach graduation. The Audit displays fulfilled, in progress and incomplete requirements, and can also be used to plan courses for the future.
Below is an in-depth tutorial on how to use the DARS to your benefit. Academic Advisors can also review your Audit with you.
Welcome back to another year at King’s. Here’s a refresher on how to register:
Students must apply to pursue an honours application. Learn about the difference between a major and honours degree and the process for applying for an honours degree.
As a King’s student in good standing, once you have completed your first year of study you may be eligible to take classes at other universities and have them count toward your degree here at King’s. There are a number of important steps you must complete before taking the class, in order to receive credit for the course as part of your degree here at King’s. This process can be lengthy—get started early.
If you take courses at an institution that issues documents and credentials through MyCreds/MesCertif and you have a MyCreds/MesCertif, My eQuals or Digitary CORE account you can share your digital documents with us by selecting the second Share option “Send my documents to a Registered Organization” and then select “University of King’s College (UKC)” in the Recipient field. Helpful videos are available on the MyCreds site.