Living in Residence

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

A transformative experience.
The King’s experience.

Your residence is an integral part of the University of King’s College’s living and learning community. You’ll quickly catch on that learning doesn’t only happen in the classroom.


UKC Residence Community Living Guide

"The kinds of conversations that contribute to [students] learning happen in the cafeteria and while sitting on the window ledge in their dorm room."

Katie Merwin
Katie Merwin

Dean of Students, University of King's College

What your room looks like

Check out a 360 view and floor plan of our Alexandra Hall and Bays Residence rooms.

Alexandra Hall Double Room

Drawing not to scale.

  • Many of the beds in Alexandra Hall are platform beds with attached drawers underneath, while other beds are frame beds.
    • Drawer size, if applicable: 18.5 in. x 13.5 in. x 5 in.
    • Space between the bottom of the bed and the floor, if applicable: 13 in.
  • Dresser dimensions: 25.5 in. x 14.5 in. x 7 in.
  • Mattress size: Standard Twin
  • Closet space in Alexandra Hall varies from room to room. However, they are quite substantial and normally larger than the closets in the Bay rooms.

Bay Double Room

Bed A

  • Closet dimensions: 34.5 in. x 35.5 in. x 8 feet
  • Space between the bottom of the bed and the floor: 13 in.
  • Dresser dimensions: 3 feet x 2 feet x 10 in.
  • Mattress size
    • North Pole, Chapel, Middle, Radical Bay: XL Twin
    • Cochran Bay: Standard Twin

Bed B

University of King's College

What’s in your room?

Each residence room contains: 

  • a twin bed*
  • closet
  • mirror
  • book shelf
  • dresser
  • desk
  • chair
  • lamp
  • small fridge
  • high-speed ethernet connection port (access by request) and wireless connection

The beds in the Tri-Bays and North Pole Bay are XL Twin and all other beds are standard twin size (74 inches). If you require an XL Twin bed (78 inches long), please contact

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Residence Leadership

Residence life involves more than the students living on campus; the Dean of Students, Assistant Dean, Residence and residence staff made up of dons and junior dons, are essential members of the residence community. These King’s community members work to keep you safe, support you whether you need personal or academic help, and create a positive environment to help you to fulfill your potential and build friendships within the community.

Junior Dons and Dons

A residence don lives on each floor of Alexandra Hall and in each Bay. Dons are usually graduate or post-graduate students or young working professionals. Junior dons are upper-year students who are a vital part of the residence life team. They encourage their peers to take active responsibility in caring for our unique community. As students themselves, they know the nature of our campus community, and are therefore uniquely positioned to be an encouraging and effective source of peer support for campus life.

Collectively, the residence life team is committing to helping you thrive on campus. They will offer events, one-on-one check-ins, and are available on a drop-in basis if you need someone to talk to or aren’t sure about what resources on campus or at Dalhousie. The dons and junior dons eat meals in Prince Hall and are on duty every night of the week. The Alex Hall Front Desk is your first stop if you need help from a don or junior don in the evening or throughout the weekends. The Assistant Dean, Residence supervises the dons and the junior dons and the overall residence system. The Assistant Dean, Residence’s office is just off the Manning Room in Alex Hall, and you can stop by during office hours or reach out via email. We are all here to support you during your time at King’s.

Residence Buildings

If you live in residence, you must also have a meal plan. We offer flexible plans that fit your needs. Find out more.

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