Robin Keddy

Controller & Information Access and Privacy Administrator

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Robin Keddy Robin Keddy

Robin graduated from Carleton University (Ottawa) with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree, and she attained her CPA, CMA a few years later.

Robin started her career developing and implementing Financial Systems for Lonrho Plc in London, England. While living there, Robin spent time backpacking around Europe & Africa and cycling around New Zealand. Upon her return to Canada, she spent the next 25 years leading Finance Teams or corporate projects in a variety of industries which included financial services in British Columbia, oil and gas in Alberta, heavy equipment here in Nova Scotia, Natural Health, also in NS and most recently as the CFO for Halifax Seed.

Robin enjoys spending time with her kids (3 young adults), hiking, camping and gardening.