Adam Foster

Part-Time Instructor

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Adam Foster Adam Foster
Office Hours

Wednesdays 11:30 – 12:30
3rd Floor, New Academic Building

BA (Vind), MA (Acadia), PhD (Hawaiʻi)

Adam Foster (he/him) began teaching in the University of King’s College’s Contemporary Studies Program during the winter semester of 2023 and has been a part-time academic in Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences since the fall of 2022.

His research lies at the intersections of social and political philosophy, law and society, and cultural studies. Within these intersections, he is especially interested in understanding forms of marginalized subjectivity, relying heavily on various critical literatures and theoretical traditions.

A graduate of King’s, Dr. Foster also earned a Master of Arts in social and political thought from Acadia University, and a Ph.D. in political science and graduate certificate in international cultural studies from the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa.

His current research projects involve a continuation of his doctoral research on biopolitics and the political subjectivity of children, as well as work on the notion of recovery in contemporary politics and society, and critical theorizations of far-right populist movements.


Structuralism and poststructuralism (especially Deleuze and Foucault), Italian post-Deleuzian philosophy, law and society, political theory, (neo)fascism and far-right political movements, psychoanalytic theory, anarchist theory, queer theory, feminist theory, critical legal studies, critical race theory, whiteness studies, cultural studies, political theology, the philosophy of law.

Selected Publications:

Foster, Adam. 2019. “Heretic Gnosis: Education, Children, and the Problem of Knowing Otherwise.” In Childhood, Science Fiction, and Pedagogy: Children Ex Machina, edited by David W. Kupferman and Andrew Gibbons. Singapore, SG: Springer.

Foster, Adam E. 2022. “Plastic Subjects: Plasticity, Time, and the Bling Ring.” New Political Science 44 (2): 265–82.