Student Support Directory

Student Support Directory

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Many students look for support related to accommodations, mental health, physical health or other life circumstances. This is a guide to some of the supports available, including the referral and contact process for each person or program.

This is not an exhaustive list of friendly faces and supports on campus – if you think we missed something important here, feel free to email Student Support Advisor Isaac Wright at isaac.wright@ukings.ca to suggest an edit.


Student Support Directory [PDF]

University of King's College

Isaac Wright (They/He), Student Support Advisor

Available to talk to students looking for support in resource navigation, life changes, mental health, goal setting or problem-solving. If you’re not sure where to go or what you need, Isaac can help you figure that out. Able to help students access services at Dal Health and Wellness or in the community.

Email isaac.wright@ukings.ca to make an appointment, or visit calendly.com/studentsupportadvisor.

University of King's College

Jordan Roberts (She/Her), Sexual Health and Safety Officer

Available to support students around sexualized violence, gender identity, sexual orientation, safer sex and healthy relationships. Jordan can provide trauma-informed active listening and help individuals decide what avenues and supports are best for them.

Email Jordan at jordan.roberts@ukings.ca. Confidential call and text also available at at 902-229-6123.

University of King's College

Michelle Mahoney (She/Her), Accessibility Officer

Michelle guides and supports the university’s implementation of King’s Accessibility Plan and works with faculty and staff to ensure that the university meets relevant standards to offer an accessible campus by 2030. Michelle also helps students to get the full benefit of King’s and Dalhousie’s shared Student Accessibility Centre.

Michelle can be reached at michelle.mahoney@ukings.ca.

University of King's College

Emily Pictou-Roberts (She/Her), Indigenous Support and Outreach Coordinator

As Indigenous Support and Outreach Coordinator, Emily provides cultural, emotional and spiritual support for Indigenous students at King’s. She serves as a mentor to students and ensures the application of Indigenous perspectives, knowledge and approaches in support of student wellness and community building. Through individualized and group programming, she also shares knowledge about Indigenous ceremony and culture.

Contact Emily by email at auntie@ukings.ca.

University of King's College

Pethrona Russell, Interim Equity Officer

Able to provide support and consultation to all members of the university community on all issues concerning equity, diversity, accessibility, inclusion, discrimination and harassment. Available to provide connections to on-campus and off-campus resources and supports. Pethrona is also King’s Human Resources Manager.

Email pethrona.russell@ukings.ca or call 902.422.1271 x246 to make an appointment.

University of King's College

Peer Support Workers

The Peer Support Workers are King’s students available to provide peer support – this can be anything from active listening, problem solving, supportive discussions to just hanging out in a quiet space.

Peer Support drop-in hours, events and updates are posted on Instagram at @ukcpeersupport. You can also email peersupport@ukings.ca to get in touch.

University of King's College

Father Ranall Ingalls (He/Him), Chaplain

Available to support students of any faith or none. The Chapel offers space for students to explore their spirituality, hear beautiful music or enjoy a place of solitude.

To meet with Father Ingalls, email ranall.ingalls@ukings.ca. For more information about the chapel, visit kingschapel.ca.

University of King's College

Academic Advising Team – Jennifer O’Keefe (she/her) and Keenan Livingstone (he/him)

Jennifer and Keenan are available to meet with students to discuss course scheduling and registration, degree pathways, academic supports and processes and other academic concerns. The Peer Advising Team is also available to meet with first & second year students regarding course selection, registration, program exploration, degree planning and other academic supports.

To make an appointment, book online through the Academic Advising page, email registrar@ukings.ca or drop into the Registrar’s Office.

University of King's College

Tim Clarke (He/Him), Associate Director of Student Support (FYP)

Available to support FYP students with academic accommodations, assignment extensions, academic advising and referrals to both non-academic and academic supports. If students have not already developed an accessibility plan through the Dalhousie Accessibility Centre, they can meet with Tim to obtain interim assignment accommodations.

To make an appointment with Tim, email tim.clarke@ukings.ca.


University of King's College

Jeff Wilson (he/him), Interim Dean of Students

Jeff is replacing Katie Merwin, who is currently on parental leave. Jeff is the senior administrator responsible for many aspects of student life including residence, student-facing policies and other services which assist students to be well and maximize their potential. Jeff is not typically the first stop for one-on-one student support, but oversees the network of student supports available at King’s.



Ashley Nixon (They/Them), Assistant Dean of Residence Life

Ashley oversees Residence Life, residence student support and programming. Email ashley.nixon@ukings.ca.

Gavin Baumbach (He/Him), Housing Coordinator

Gavin oversees room changes, inspections and other day-to-day housing operations. Email gavin.baumbach@ukings.ca

Housing Administrator

The housing administrator can help with residence withdrawals, applications, and general questions. Email residence@ukings.ca.

The Dons & Patrol

The Dons are upper-year or graduate students who live in residence. There is a Don on Duty every night and each weekend. Patrol staff are current students who are available each night from 8pm-2am in the Manning Room.