Kevin MacDonell

Kevin MacDonell

Donor Relations Officer (Acting)

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Kevin MacDonell Kevin MacDonell

BJH (Vind)

Kevin (he/him) graduated from King’s in 1991 and is thrilled to be back, working in the Advancement Office. A lifelong compulsive diarist, Kevin is a late-blooming creative writer focusing on memoir and personal essays. He put his journalism degree to work at various rural, farming and commercial fishing magazines in Nova Scotia and British Columbia, and also freelanced several years as a reporter and editor. More recently, over the last 19 years, he held various operational support and management roles in higher education advancement at St.F.X. and Dalhousie universities, and consults in that field in his semi-retirement. Kevin is a member of the board of directors of the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia. He lives in Bedford with his wife, Leslie Smith.