Campus & Community
Teaching Assistant in the Contemporary Studies Program (Part-time)

Teaching Assistant in the Contemporary Studies Program (Part-time)

Established in 1789, King’s College is Canada’s oldest chartered university and is associated with Dalhousie University. A small and extraordinarily lively academic community located in Halifax (Kjipuktuk), Nova Scotia, King’s is known nationally and internationally for its highly acclaimed interdisciplinary programs in the humanities, including its renowned Foundation Year Program, its professional programs in journalism and its fine arts programs in creative writing. King’s is a community where students, faculty, alumni and staff work to bring greater understanding, creativity and compassion to the world.

The Contemporary Studies Program at the University of King’s College invites applications for one Teaching Assistant position, for “Modern Social and Political Thought” (CTMP2001), offered in the Fall 2024 semester.  This class is a broad, introductory survey of social and political thought from the early nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth. Writers explored include Hegel, Marx, Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Conrad, Achebe, and Woolf.

Duties include but not limited to:

  • reading course material
  • grading assignments and exams
  • overseeing one in-person tutorial (1 hr/week)
  • holding office hours and ensuring an online presence to assist students with assignments
  • attending lectures (please consult the Dalhousie Academic Timetable regarding class time)
  • consulting on a regular basis with the instructor regarding the approach taken in teaching, grading and other expectations

Qualifications and Experience:

Candidates may come from various fields but should have at least an undergraduate degree. Familiarity with the early modern and contemporary periods will be considered an asset, as will prior TA experience (at the university level).

Hourly Rate of Pay: $ 30.05 (classification of TA130). Position is conditional on the course’s final enrollment numbers

Deadline for Applications: Friday, August 30, 2024

To apply for this position, please forward your C.V. (including a statement concerning your teaching experience) to Sharon Brown at sharon.brown@ukings.ca.

Questions regarding the position should be directed to Dr. Hamza Karam Ally, who can be reached by email at hamza.karamally@ukings.ca.


The University of King’s College is committed to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. We encourage and welcome applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons with a disability, racialized persons, including persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), women, persons of a minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversification of our community.